Old Wordsworthians’ Association
We publish an annual newsletter which gives news of alumni and developments at the school. Our principal reunion is at Founders Day when we hold our AGM and meet socially over lunch.
Our contributions to the school take the form of equipment, technology and educational support. We also fund student prizes and help with the cost of visits to university open days.
We have some 500 members.
OWA website Alumni Directory
One of the main objectives of this website is to enable members of the Association to keep/get in touch with other members. For this purpose the site contains an Alumni Directory with profiles of members who have agreed to have their names and information about themselves included.
Individual members determine what information is displayed on their profile. The format provides spaces for
• a recent photograph
• full name
• current job or last job before retirement
• interests
• postal address and/ or email
• years at school,
To protect privacy, access to the Directory is via login consisting of personal username and password. Once access is gained the entire Directory is available for viewing. Members are able to update their entry as they wish.
Existing members please sign in here
The membership fee is £xx/year. To apply for membership please email secretary Mick Way at mikeway41@gmail.com with details of your name and years at school.
The Association takes responsibility for updating the Directory in the event of learning of a member's death.
Matthew Morgan Resignation
I regret to announce that quite unexpectedly for personal reasons Mr Matthew Morgan resigned the headship at the end of the autumn term. Dr Stuart Smallwood, the former headmaster, will be returning for two terms from the beginning of January 2025 to give time to recruit a new head for September. It is fortunate that Dr Smallwood is available to provide a safe pair of hands for this interim period. [...]
Former pupil Martin Holloway’s Funeral
Martin Holloway's funeral will be held on Wednesday 31st July at East Devon Crematorium at 1:00pm. Martin Holloway was a pupil at Bishops' Wordsworth School in the late 1950s where he fell in with, among others, the Browning brothers Geoff and Jerry whose sister, Susan, later became his wife and my mother. Not to mention Malcolm Keppie who decades on became my first Latin teacher, introducing me to the [...]
The Headmaster, Dr Stuart Smallwood, retires
The Headmaster, Dr Stuart Smallwood, retires at the end of the summer term. The OWA interviewed him for his reflections on 22 years at the helm. QUESTIONS FOR HEADMASTER DR SMALLWOOD ON HIS RETIREMENT Q1. What do you regard as your greatest achievement during your time as Headmaster? I am not sure that anything I have done over the years would qualify as ‘great’! Probably the thing I [...]